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East London Mosque Press Briefing and Iftar Ceremony: Appeal for Qarze Hasana to Pay off £1.8 Million Debt

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After the temporary opening of the extended part of the East London Mosque, around 10,000 men and women are expected to pray in congregation with an additional 1,000 worshippers. you can Construction of this extension is costing £2.1 million. Of this, 300,000 pounds came from donations and the remaining 1.8 million pounds came from Qarze Hasana . The leaders of the mosque committee have called upon the people of the community to lend a helping hand in paying off their loans this Ramadan. The leaders of the committee made this call at the press briefing and iftar party organized by the East London Mosque on Monday, March 18. East London Mosque Chairman Dr. Abdul Hai Murshed, Honorary Secretary Sirajul Islam Hira, Chief Executive Officer Junaid Ahmad and Trustee Dr. Abdullah Foliq spoke. Mosque Head of Assets and Operations Asad Zaman and Trustee Mohammad Abdul Malik were present at the time. It was also informed in the press briefing that East London Mosque will participate in live fundraising on Channel S Television on Saturday, March 23 from 3 pm to dawn. There are three categories of appeals in fundraising. 300 pounds for musalla, 365 pounds for mehrab and 1000 pounds per person for donor wall. Donate more by participating in Channel S’s Live Fundraising. The mosque’s honorary secretary Sirajul Islam Hira read the written statement at the press briefing. He said that the East London Mosque is a heart of the Muslim community in East London. The services of this mosque are not limited only to prayers, about 33 projects are conducted here. Most of the services that a person needs from birth to death are provided by the mosque.

He said that the East London Mosque has taken various programs for the convenience of the Muslims during the holy Ramadan. A total of four Hafiz including three famous Hafiz from Egypt are leading the Taraweeh prayer. Free Iftar is being provided to more than 1000 people every day. After the Asr prayer, the discussion about Ramadan is going on. Moreover, in the last decade of Ramadan, there is a system of I’tikaf and Tahajjud prayers in congregation. He expressed his gratitude to the journalists and said that Ramadan gives us an opportunity to meet together. By participating in Iftar we can exchange mutual skills. Every year we organize Iftar Mahfil with Bengali media journalists and update our multifaceted activities. Journalists play a role in the progress of this mosque by publishing and publishing the news of the multifaceted activities of the mosque throughout the year. The East London Mosque is one of the largest mosques and religious centers in Europe, and the role of journalists is at the fore. While describing the establishment and continuous development of the East London Mosque, he said, 114 years ago in 1910, the initiative to establish the East London Mosque was taken by forming the ‘London Mosque Fund’. In 1941, the East London Mosque started its activities in a small house on Commercial Road in East London. The mosque was later moved to a portacabin on Whitechapel Road. At one point, the Portakabin was demolished and the present day East London Mosque was established in 1985. With the passage of time, the mosque needed further expansion. Therefore, the London Muslim Center was established in 2004. After that, Mariam Center was established in 2013 to facilitate women’s prayers. With the completion of the Mariam Centre, the synagogue building, located between the East London Mosque and the London Muslim Centre, was purchased at a cost of £1.5 million. After that, the work of expanding the main prayer hall located under the Maryam Centre to the left began. This extended section has been temporarily opened ahead of the ongoing Ramadan. As a result, about 10,000 men and women can pray together in the entire mosque with 1,000 more worshippers.

About 33 projects are managed by the East London Mosque. Such as Aqiqah and Circumcision after birth, Evening Madrasa for Arabic education, Al-Mizan Primary School for primary education, London East Academy for secondary education, Al-Eshaan Marriage Bureau for choosing a life partner after education, London Muslim Center Venue for organizing weddings. , ELM Senior Citizens Forum to serve the elderly, ‘Faith in Health Project’ to advise on healthy living, and Taslim Funeral Service to take care of funeral arrangements after death. Taslim Funeral Service carries out the work of bringing the dead body from the hospital, bathing it and taking it to the cemetery after the funeral. Multiple funerals are held every day of the week. Taslim Funeral Service performs Janaza and Burial of 4/5 people especially every Friday. In addition, about a hundred non-Muslims convert to Islam a year at the East London Mosque. There is Islam Awareness Project for the religious education of newly initiated Muslims. Open days are organized every two months through this project. Hundreds of non-Muslims participated in these open days. They can learn a lot about Islam. We have a plan on how to launch more new services keeping in mind people’s needs.