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Tower Hamlets in Bloom Awards 2019

  Recognition for those who help make the borough bright and beautiful Gardening groups, individuals and organisations who help to make public spaces greener and brighter, have been recognised at the council’s Tower Hamlets in Bloom Awards at the Art Pavilion, Mile End Park on 11 December. The council runs the annual horticultural competition in a bid to encourage more ...

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Climate challenge requires collective action

Rayhan Ahmed Topader:   The Climate Risk Engines are purpose built to compute hypothetical future risks to a modelled representative asset (synthesized with engineering data) designed to represent property and infrastructure. The system enables each such asset to be stress-tested against a wide range of extreme weather and extreme sea events typical of its location. A range of future-looking scenarios ...

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Social Justice and the Global Economy

Rayhan Ahmed Topader:   Economic justice is a component of social justice. It is a set of moral principles for building economic institutions, the ultimate goal of which is to create an opportunity for each person to create a sufficient material foundation upon which to have a dignified, productive, and creative life. The concept of economic justice intersects with the ...

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Forum for Secular Bangladesh, Finland Committee formed

At a meeting in Finland’s capital Helsinki’s Vapaa-ajattelijat (Free Thinkers Association) office on 30 November, a convening committee of the International Forum for Secular Bangladesh (Nirmul Committee) was formed. Leaders of several Finnish secular organisations were present at the event alongside members of Finnish Bengali diaspora. Moderated by Dr Mojibur Doftori, the event was attended by All European Forum for Secular Bangladesh’s ...

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Transforming Middle East peace’s

  Rayhan Ahmed Topader:   Recent violence and rising tensions in the West Bank are fuelling a climate of hatred and fear, driving both Israelis and Palestinians further away from a resolution to the conflict, the United Nations envoy for the Middle East Peace Process has said. The steady deterioration of chances that a lasting peace can be negotiated between ...

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Award wins for council funded air quality projects

  Two air quality projects funded by Tower Hamlets Council have won awards at a ceremony organised by the charity Sustrans. The projects were financed by the council’s Air Quality Fund, worth £200,000, which supports schools and community groups to improve air quality in the borough. Dr Somen Banerjee, Director of Public Health at Tower Hamlets Council, said: “I’m delighted ...

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Bangladesh Armed Forces Day celebrated at the British Army Museum

Ansar Ahmed Ullah:   Bangladesh’s armed forces are not only working to ensure the security of the country, but also gaining reputation for the country and the nation by working in the international arena, especially in the UN peacekeeping mission commented Brigadier General AKM Aminul Haque, Defence Adviser at the Bangladesh High Commission in London. He added Bangladesh is ranked ...

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Audit Office reveals government’s failure on Starter Homes

  A new report from the National Audit Office (NAO) has revealed that ‘no Starter Homes have been built to date’ despite a pledge made in 2015 that 200,000 such homes would be delivered by 2020. In April 2015, the Conservative Party manifesto committed to “200,000 Starter Homes, which will be sold at a 20% discount and will be built ...

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        Pitha Utsab on Saturday the 23rd November

  Pitha is an integral part of Bangladeshi culture and heritage. Without varieties of Pitha being there, a festival in the country cannot be think of.  This traditional Pitha program is being organized by different organizations, individuals and groups. The purpose is to provide people an opportunity to taste pitha, as well as to introduce them   not only to the ...

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Neighbours in Poplar visit Calais Refugee Kitchen

Emdad Rahman: A delegation from Neighbours in Poplar have returned after completing an aid trip to Calais to meet with Refugees, relief workers and volunteers. The team lead by Sister Christine Frost MBE included Lord Michael Cashman CBE amongst its members. The delegation visited the Refugee Community Kitchen which serves hot, nourishing meals to displaced people before meeting with volunteers ...

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