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Eastbourne celebrates International Mother Language Day

Ansar Ahmed Ullah:   The United Nations Association (UNA) Eastbourne held a day of celebration at The Gather, Beacon Centre, on 25th February to celebrate International Mother Language Day.  The celebration was opened by a special guest, the Mayor of Eastbourne, Cllr Patrick Rodohan, accompanied by his wife, Mayoress Mrs Rodohan. The event was presided over by Ian Elgie, FRGS ...

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Shamim-Simon champions in UK Bangla Reporters Unity Badminton Tournament 2023

  By Muhammed Shahed Rahman:    UK Bangla Reporters Unity Badminton Tournament 2023 has been completed in London with a bang.  Bangladesh became independent on 26 March 1971 after 9 months of war with Pakistan and bloody struggle and sacrifice. And in this month of independence, Badminton Tournament 2023 was held in London under the initiative of UK Bangla Reporters Unity. The ...

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   Responding to the Government’s decision to deprive Shamima Begum of her citizenship being upheld.

Responding to the Government’s decision to deprive Shamima Begum of her citizenship being upheld Apsana Begum, MP for Poplar and Limehouse, said: “It is against international law to make someone stateless and the case of Shamima Begum – along with the camp holding her and other women – will continue to stain the UK’s reputation regarding human rights with shame ...

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Migration policies harming families and society, says Lords Committee  

  The Government streses the importance of family life, but families are failed by the Home Office’s migration policies and practice, which also undermine society, according to the House of Lords Justice and Home Affairs Committee. In its report ‘All families matter: An inquiry into family migration’, published today, the committee says that current migration rules are at odds with ...

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British High Commission Dhaka hosts England and Bangladesh cricket teams ahead of bilateral series

  British High Commission Dhaka yesterday held a reception to celebrate the England men’s cricket team’s visit to Bangladesh and the upcoming ODI and T20I cricket series between England and Bangladesh. Players from both Bangladesh and England cricket teams, along with technical and coaching staff attended the reception. British Deputy High Commissioner Javed Patel welcomed guests and said: “I am ...

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Rushanara Ali MP greets Banglatown delegation

Bangla Mirror Desk:   Rushanara Ali MP, for Bow in Bethnal Green, received a delegation from Banglatown on 22 February at the Houses of Parliament. Rushanara Ali MP received the delegation led by Shamsuddin Shams and Pervez Qureshi BEM at the Central Lobby. The delegation comprised of local community activist Ansar Ahmed Ullah, Pervez Qureshi BEM, Director of Brick Lane ...

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Tower Hamlets Labour calls for budget to help residents through the cost of living crisis

Ansar Ahmed Ullah:     Tower Hamlets Labour announced its amendment to Mayor Lutfur Rahman’s budget proposals for 2023/24 at a press conference on 23 February held at the London Bangla Press Club office. Chaired by Tower hamlets Labour Party’s Chief Whip, Cllr Sabina Akhtar, Tower Hamlets Labour Group Leader, Cllr Sirajul Islam Cllr and Shadow Cabinet Member for Resources ...

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Grant Shapps: Liz Truss’s tax cuts were clearly the wrong approach

  Liz Truss’s radical tax-cutting plan was “clearly” not the right approach, according to Grant Shapps, who briefly served in her short-lived government. In a return to the political fray, Ms Truss wrote in the Sunday Telegraph that her economic agenda was never given a “realistic chance”. Business Secretary Mr Shapps said he agreed with Ms Truss on wanting lower taxes – ...

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King, Queen Consort to visit Brick Lane

Bangla Mirror Desk:   Their majesties, King Charles III and the Queen Consort Camilla Rosemary Shand will make a historic visit to the heart of the British Bangladeshi community in London’s Brick Lane. The visit is being hosted by Tower Hamlets Council in partnership with BBPI along with Brick Lane Business Association and Brick  Lane Jamme Masjid Trust to make ...

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Tower Hamlets Council officially launches The Mayor’s University Bursary Award to support young people in further education

  On 30 January, Mayor Lutfur Rahman officially launched The Mayor’s University Bursary Award at Queen Mary University. The Mayor’s University Bursary Award will support eligible students with living costs at university. Eligible students can apply for a £1,500 payment to support with costs associated with their undergraduate studies, including accommodation, books and resources. The total funding of £600k will support ...

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