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Bangladesh turn the largest importer of Denim fabrics

48“After China, Bangladesh is the largest manufacturers of apparel products and reputed international brands source from here,” said Lisa of Changzhou Runlai Textile Co. Ltd.
“The country has enormous potentials to become leader in world jeans market with many good factories and buying houses.”
Lisa said considering all the aspects and growth pattern, Bangladesh is China’s largest destination for denim fabrics export.
As Bangladesh has earned the reputation of producing jeans, major global brands are increasingly coming to buy denim products here, helping the local exporters maintain a steady growth.
Terry Lee, sales executive of Changzhou Lihui Weaving Co Ltd, said since the Chinese apparel manufacturers were shifting from lower-end to higher-end and even some of the companies were changing their business patterns, Bangladesh could utilize this chance.
Bangladesh has a limited number of denim fabrics producers and needs to depend largely on the imports.
“Since the large amounts of jeans come from Bangladesh, the government as well as the sector people should concentrate on the issues so that the country can take the lead in the sector,” said Rafiq Azad, who works as an agent to supply denim fabrics to Bangladeshi manufacturers.
Linda Huang, manager of Nanjing Sumec Textile, said sourcing from Bangladesh by US and European brands help the country expand the industry.
“And since China can make all kinds of denim fabrics in terms of quality and designs, we are here to capture the denim fabrics market,” Linda added.
According to the industry people, Bangladesh produces 360m yards of denim fabrics against its demand of 720m per annum. The global demand for denim fabric is 6.5bn yards.
At present, there are 25 factories producing denim fabrics while some are in the process to start production.
Bangladesh holds 22.88% share in EU and 11.35% in USA denim markets and since FY2009-14 denim exports have seen 11.16% growth. The country’s denim apparel export is expected to reach $7bn by 2021.