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Govt won’t get way to escape, without stepping down: Fakhrul

BNP Secretary General Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir said on Sunday that they will hold a grand rally on October 28 in a peaceful manner. “We have not ordered any leaders and activists to grab the streets, rather, we told them after the programme, everyone would go back to their respective places.”

“This government has created a horrible situation in the country. We thought that they would accept the demands of the people and organise polls under a non-partisan neutral government. But instead, they are oppressing the people. On the one hand, extreme inflation of food prices and lack of work and employment. Law and order situation in the country has deteriorated. The government will not get a way to escape, without stepping down.”

He made the comment while briefing to reporters about their October 28 movement.

Earlier, the Secretary General of BNP held a meeting with the party leaders at Nayapaltan office about their October 28 way of action to hold the rally peacefully.

Referring to police administration, Mirza Fakhrul said, “You do not create any barrier to the opposition’s peaceful movement demanding a free, fair and credible election. If you do that, it will be considered as taking a position against a free and fair election. Obaidul Quader’s statement shows their intention, they attacked our office without any reason. We reiterate that the October 28 mass rally will be a peaceful.

Urging people to join the October 28 rally, the BNP leader said that it is not possible to have Shapla Chattar, BNP and they (Hefazat Islam) are not the same. The rally has been successful in the past, this time will be too.