A court in Dhaka on Tuesday (Feb 13) placed The Daily Star executive editor Syed Ashfaqul Haque and his wife Tania Haque on a four-day remand each in a case filed over death of their teenage maid Priti Uran due to negligence.
Dhaka Chief Metropolitan Magistrate Saifur Rahman passed the order as police produced the couple before the court and pleaded to place them on 10-day remand.
Another court on February 7 had allowed police to interrogate Ashfaqul and his wife Tania at jail gate.
Priti’s father Lokesh Uran filed the case on that day with Mohammadpur Police Station under Section 304 (a) of the Penal Code.
Priti, 15, fell to her death from the ninth floor of a residential building, where Ashfaqul and his family live, at Dhaka’s Mohammadpur area on February 6. Police recovered the body and sent it for autopsy at Shaheed Suhrawardy Medical College and Hospital.