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Benefits of dry fruits and nuts for health

There are plenty of benefits for your overall nutritional health.

Helps in fighting diseases and boosts immunity: The benefits of dry fruits and nuts cannot be overlooked as they are loaded with a lot of essential nutrients.

Dry fruits being rich in nutrients such as potassium, magnesium, calcium and iron can assist you in boosting your immunity and fighting off various diseases. Some of the antioxidants found in dry fruits such as walnuts and almonds give a boost to your immunity making your body free from frequent illness.

Combating cancer: Having soaked almonds helps in fighting off cancer, and if you have been doing this from a young age then you have been fighting off cancer for a long time now. People diagnosed with breast cancer are told to eat almonds and cashew as it helps in curtailing it.

Pistachios and other nuts prevent the growth of tumours, especially in the lungs and prostate. Apricots, walnuts and Brazil nuts also assist in preventing the growth of cancer-causing cells in the body.

Helps in reducing weight:  People consulting dietitians might have been told about the dry fruits benefits for weight loss. Dry fruits and nuts when consumed in a proper and moderated way, can help in losing weight. Most of these are low in sugar, carbohydrates and provide essential nutrients for a faster metabolism.

Improves bowel movement: Curing constipation and improving bowel movements is yet another dried fruit benefit when it comes to our body. Some of the dry fruits such as anjeer, figs, pistachios and dates being rich in fiber ensure that you have a healthy bowel movement.

Improves heart health: There are a lot of advantages of dry fruits when it comes to heart health. Raisins and dates help in reducing overall cholesterol in the body thereby maintaining healthy blood pressure. Almonds being rich in vitamin E prevent sudden spikes in the cholesterol levels in the body. The risk of heart disease, strokes and heart attacks is reduced to a significant extent if you add nuts and dry fruits in your diet.

Improves bone health:   Bone marrow health is quite an unknown and one of the best dry fruits advantages. Dry plums enhance bone health and support bone formation. Some of the dry fruits also improve bone density thereby making the bones stronger and preventing them from frequent wear and tear.

Prevent depression and anxiety: Some of the dry fruits are a rich source of beta carotene. Beta carotene is an antioxidant that battles and relieves ones body from depression and anxiety. This antioxidant is also known to improve memory and is present in huge amounts in figs and dried plums.

Keeps your skin healthy: Having a dry fruit-rich diet can have a good impact on your skin. Some of the benefits of eating dry fruits for skin are

v    They prevent the skin from ageing.
v    They provide a different radiant glow to the skin.

Dry fruits such as raisins and dates contain various oils and antioxidants which can help you in improving your overall skin health.