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Islamism in the Horn of Africa Dr. Mozammel Haque : A discussion on the topic “Islamism in the Horn of Africa” took place at Chatham House, London, on Wednesday, 13th of May, 2015, where following speakers participated and spoke: Dr. Harry Verhoeven from the Georgetown University School of Foreign Service in Qatar, Sideq Osman, Sudanese Affairs Researcher; Professor Justin Willis ...

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Shaban 8th Lunar Calendar Arabic Month

By Fatema Miah <> This is Shaban 8th Lunar Calendar Arabic Month; the month before Ramadan. Month of Shaban is the gateway month to Ramadan. Ramadan when Muslims do fast for a month from daybreak to sunset. Informative factors for Muslims and non-Muslims; Shaban is an important month before Ramadan; Muslims usually will be busy with preparations for the month ...

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Justice Today

By Mohammed Khaled Noor :   Justice today is not just at all……. <> Alas, injustices spreading like bush fire to destroy the moral fabric of this human civilization. Shame! Do we need a new world order to save the dignity of human beings …., the plague of injustice, war, death and destructions across our lands? Justice means moral rectitude, ...

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Bangladesh and its confusion on democracy

By Abdul Gaffar Choudhury Everyone in Bangladesh claims that they need democracy. Even a party like Jamaat, which believes in theocracy, want to see democracy in Bangladesh. BNP joined the bandwagon too, despite having military origins, and they themselves ruled using undemocratic methods while in power. The most vocal section of our populace, the civil society, criticises how Bangladesh lacks ...

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  Middle East Peace and Japan’s Roles – A European Perspective Dr. Mozammel Haque   Lord Nazir Ahmed, one of the earliest Muslim members appointed to the Britain’s House of Lords, was invited by Universal Peace Forum (UPF)-Japan which conducted the fourth Japan-Europe Forum recently. Hundreds of citizens and experts in Kobe, Fukuoka and Tokyo listened Lord Ahmed discourse on ...

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Mental health is ignored in Bangladesh

By  AISHA SIDDIKA :  Bangladesh, a country with so many opportunities is continually turning into a country with lots of risks for its inhabitants; every year thousands of people are becoming the victims of man-made and natural disasters, gender based violence, political restlessness, conflicts, etc. and so on. Bangladesh is one of the world’s most disaster-prone countries. With susceptibility to ...

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Leadership: Bangabandhu, Tajuddin, and Hasina

By Syed Badrul Ahsan :  Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman  Bangladesh’s history in modern times has effectively been an enduring story of the leadership provided to it by three individuals. There is Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, and then there is Tajuddin Ahmad, and now there is Sheikh Hasina. When you take note of the ratification in recent times of the Land Boundary Agreement ...

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Altab Ali and the Battle for Brick Lane

  The 37th Annual Altab Ali day took place this week beginning with a solemn and dignified wreath laying ceremony. It brought together veterans of the 1978 era and a number of current leaders and organisations from the wider anti racist movement. Below Rajonuddin Jalal, a former Tower Hamlets Council deputy Leader and prominent in that famous struggle highlights some ...

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Labour’s pioneering role in this subcontinent: an introduction

by Farooque Chowdhury :  THE wage ‘slaves’ were coerced or allured out of their villages with the power of starvation. ‘[B]etween the years 1921 and 1931 the number of industrial workers employed in establishments of more than 10 workers rose from 2.6 million to 3.5 million. In the intervening decade, and especially in the last two and a half years of the war ...

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