Ansar Ahmed Ullah
Rushanara Ali MP first British member of parliament of Bengali origin elected in 2010 to represent Bethnal Green & Bow constituent has done it again. She won by 32,387 votes defeating, Conservative’s Matt Smith who got 8,070 and the Green Party’s Alistair Polson
who came third with 4,906. The election saw 64.29 per cent voters turn out to decide who would be selected as MP for Bethnal Green and Bow constituent. She regained the Labour seat that was lost to George Galloway in the 2005 election.
On her win she said she had enjoyed the campaign, “I’m a campaigning politician… The last
five years in opposition has been incredibly difficult but one of the highlights has been working with local residents on issues that matter to them like the National Health Service. To our volunteers, Labour activists, our Labour councillors and assembly member …We will have to work together and stay united against what is going to be a very difficult period ahead.’’
Rushanara Ali moved to the UK with her family from Bangladesh when she was seven years old. Following her schooling she got herself a place at Oxford University and jobs in Parliament, the Institute for Public Policy and Research, the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, the Home Office before becoming MP for Bethnal Green and Bow.
She was elected in May 2010 with a majority of 11,574, having defeated George Galloway’s Respect Party.
In October 2013 Rushanara was appointed Shadow Minister for Education in the Labour
reshuffle. Previously, Rushanara was appointed to the Labour front bench as Shadow
Minister for International Development.