Home / Local news / Council’s WorkPath partnership helps more than 1,000 get into work in just 12 months

Council’s WorkPath partnership helps more than 1,000 get into work in just 12 months


More than 1,000 people have secured jobs over the past 12 months thanks to the efforts of the WorkPath partnership led by Tower Hamlets Council.

WorkPath is an employment brokerage and training service dedicated to supporting the residents of Tower Hamlets into sustainable jobs. Since April 2018, the team has worked with partners across the borough to provide vital support to 1,113 people.

Based at their Upper Bank Street headquarters in Poplar, as well as at the Young WorkPath office in Watney Market, teams of specialist advisors work directly with candidates looking for extra guidance on how to turn their potential into success.

The team also works closely with partners including housing associations, training providers and civil society organisations to support programmes that give those looking for their next step on the ladder access to the services they need.

John Biggs, Mayor of Tower Hamlets, said: “We set up WorkPath because we recognised that there were people in our borough who, for a variety reasons, had been left behind by the job market and needed help to find employment.

“Others had left education and were struggling with the transition to the world of work.

“The dedicated staff at WorkPath, as well as all those working for our partners, go the extra mile to help our residents overcome barriers and seize opportunities to get into work.

“To know that more than 1,000 people have found work this year because of this key council-led programme is fantastic.”

Among those who have secured jobs since April last year were 519 residents from black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) backgrounds.

Some 187 young people aged between 16 and 24 were provided with support from Young WorkPath and were able to gain apprenticeships or employment as a result.

The success of the WorkPath partnership has also contributed to a significant reduction in the gap between the employment rate in Tower Hamlets compared to London more widely.

In April 2018, the borough was trailing behind the London average by 11.8 per cent. Now, 12 months on, that gap has narrowed to just 1.4 per cent.

Councillor Motin Uz-Zaman, Cabinet Member for Work and Economic Growth, said: “WorkPath has a specific focus on helping those who currently face more barriers to employment than other candidates such as the long-term unemployed and those groups like BME women, over 50s, and those with poor mental and physical health.

“Trying to get into work, either for the first time or after a period of unemployment, can be intimidating.
“Through our WorkPath partnership, we’re committed to supporting our residents on every step of that journey and these latest statistics show the progress we are making in helping people to realise their potential”