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Brexit: No 10 denies government is split over pre-Christmas election

Brexit: No 10 denies government is split over pre-Christmas election

No 10 has indicated the PM will seek a snap poll if the EU proposes delaying the Brexit deadline until January.However, some ministers are understood to want to focus on getting the PM’s Withdrawal Agreement Bill through Parliament instead, reports BBC.

No 10 sources insisted there were no splits in the cabinet’s strategy.

The question of how to move forward with Brexit follows Tuesday’s key Commons votes, where MPs backed the prime minister’s deal at its first Parliamentary hurdle but rejected his plans to fast-track the legislation.

The question of how to move forward with Brexit follows Tuesday’s key Commons votes, where MPs backed the prime minister’s deal at its first Parliamentary hurdle but rejected his plans to fast-track the legislation.

That defeat effectively ended any realistic prospect of the UK leaving the bloc by 31 October – something Mr Johnson has repeatedly insisted would happen under his premiership.