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Sleep disturbance after post COVID-19

The apparent new symptom termed as “night sweats” is linked with the BA.5 strain of the Omicron variant and was discovered by Trinity College Dublin immunologist, Professor Luke O’Neill.

Omicron’s new characteristic is evening drowsiness. This ‘Covidsomnia’ (COVID Insomnia) escalated as the virus-induced rise in stress and anxiety, Times of India reported.

Who is at risk of sleep issues?

Sleep disturbances are commonly described by people who have recovered from COVID or who are recuperating from a lengthy COVID illness. Chronic sleep deprivation negatively affects cardiovascular and metabolic health.

Common experienced symptoms in sleep?

Individuals have also suffered panic attacks during sleep and profuse sweating. LocalCircles, a community media platform, also found that sleep apnea, waking up mid-sleep, difficulty falling asleep, and desire for extra hours of sleep were among the challenges highlighted.

According to doctors, vaccines and booster shots are the only proven method to at least withstand these symptoms and prevent the virus from developing into a life-threatening illness.