Home / Sylhet / Sunamganj lowlands flooded, rivers flowing above danger level

Sunamganj lowlands flooded, rivers flowing above danger level

The continuous rainfall and mountain runoff are causing to rise the water levels of all river, including the Surma, Kushiyara, and Jadukata, once more which left the lowlands of Sunamganj district flooded.

The low-lying areas of Tahirpur upazila are gradually being submerged, as the floodwaters are rapidly entering through the upazila’s Charagaon area, near the Meghalaya border, which raised concerns of another flood in the region.

Residents of the low-lying areas are facing potential flooding even before recovering from the last one on June 16. With a forecast of rain for the next 72 hours, many have already started preparing for the impending flood.

Local residents reported that the strong currents in the floodwaters are making it difficult for vehicles and people to move around, causing many to wait on either side of the streams for the water to subside. They mentioned that the situation seems to improve for a couple of days, only to worsen again shortly after.

According to the Water Development Board, Cherrapunji in Meghalaya recorded 187 millimeters of rainfall in the past 24 hours. Sunamganj itself recorded 35 millimeters of rainfall during the same period. The continuous rain has caused the Surma River in Sunamganj to rise by 21 centimeters in the last 24 hours, flowing just 49 centimeters below the danger level.

Mamun Hawlader, executive engineer of the Sunamganj Water Development Board, informed that the continuous rain and mountain runoff are increasing the water levels in the rivers and haors. The forecast for the next 72 hours indicates more rain, which could cause the river levels to rise further.

Earlier on June 16, the first flood of this year occurred in Sunamganj which affected 6,50,000 people across seven upazilas, causing Tk 720 million worth of fish to be washed away and Tk 300 million worth of crops to be destroyed.