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Burmese Grapes: Nutrition value and health benefits

Burmese grapes known as Lotkon in Bengali is a popular seasonal fruit in Bangladesh. It is a yellowish colour small round shape fruit.

Though named as Burmese it grows over the South Asian Region in abundance as an exotic fruits. But over the last few decades it has been becoming very much popular due to its sweet-sour taste and many health benefits.

Recently its commercial plantation begins in Bangladesh, Thailand and Malaysia.

Burmese grapes for a limited amount of time ever year. Burmese grapes are currently quite available in the bazaars and the street-side fruit shops. So, make sure this season you buy some Burmese grapes and relive the moment.

Nutrition value

1. 100 g serving of Burmese grapes contains 92 KCal energy.
2. It contains a very good amount of Vitamin C, Iron and minerals. Two to three grapes in a day will fulfill the demand of Vitamin C.
3. Each 100 g of Burmese grapes contain 10.04 mg of Vitamin B1 and 0.20 mg of Vitamin B2
4. It contains amino acids and enzymes responsible for body metabolism
Health benefits
1. As it is highly rich in Vitamins, it helps to bolster our immunity system.
2. Burmese grapes are beneficial for controlling blood sugar and cholesterol
3. It increases appetite and reduces nausea.
4. The bark and leaves are useful for skin problems
5. The dried leaves powder is use in the treatment of diarrhea.