Home / Bangladesh / Koko’s wife Sharmila Rahman Sithi arrives in Dhaka

Koko’s wife Sharmila Rahman Sithi arrives in Dhaka

BNP Chairperson Khaleda Zia’s younger son late Arafat Rahman Koko’s wife Sharmila Rahman Sithi has arrived in Dhaka from London.

She reached the BNP Chairperson’s residence Firoza at Gulshan in Dhaka on Thursday (September 5) afternoon.

BNP’s Media Cell member Shayrul Kabir Khan confirmed it.

Earlier, Sharmila Rahman arrived in Dhaka on January 28 last.

Khaleda Zia’s younger son Arafat Rahman Koko died about a decade ago. Since then Sharmila Rahman Sithi has been residing in London with her children. Khaleda Zia’s elder son, Tarique Rahman, has also been residing in London with his family on political asylum.

Arafat Rahman Koko died while residing in Malaysia with his wife and children about a decade ago.

The issue of availing advanced medical treatment abroad by Khaleda Zia has come into limelight with the arrival of Sharmila Rahman Sithi to the country. Regarding Khaleda Zia’s treatment abroad, the BNP and physicians concerned said the party chairman would be flown to abroad if her physical condition permits.

A BNP source said Khaleda Zia might be taken either to the United States or the United Kingdom for treatment because three noted US physicians performed operation of Khaleda Zia arriving in Dhaka earlier.

It is learnt that Khaleda Zia now feels mentally well being surrounded by her younger daughter-in-law and relatives.