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Syrian women and children struggle in Lebanon

“When I bid goodbye to him, tears brimming in my eyes, I thought it would be a matter of months before we saw each other,” Fatima told Al Jazeera. “Now, more than two years later, I have learned how to cope with the indefinite wait.” Fatima, who did not provide a last name, was married for less than a year ...

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AirAsia flight QZ8501 ‘climbed too fast’

The AirAsia flight that crashed in the Java Sea, killing 162 people, climbed too fast before stalling, Indonesia’s transport minister has said. Ignasius Jonan told a parliamentary hearing in Jakarta that flight QZ8501 had ascended at a speed of 6,000ft (1,828m) per minute. No passenger or fighter jet would attempt to climb so fast, he said. There were no survivors ...

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Pope: Catholics don’t have to breed like rabbits

Pope Francis is firmly upholding church teaching banning contraception, but said Monday that Catholics don’t have to breed “like rabbits” and should instead practice “responsible parenting.” Speaking to reporters en route home from the Philippines, Francis said there are plenty of church-approved ways to regulate births. But he said most importantly, no outside institution should impose its views on regulating ...

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AirAsia cockpit voice recorder found – Indonesian officials

Divers in the Java Sea have retrieved the cockpit voice recorder from the crashed AirAsia flight QZ8501, say officials. The retrieval comes a day after the first piece of the so-called black box, the flight data recorder, was also found and brought to shore. The aircraft with 162 people on board disappeared between Surabaya in Indonesia and Singapore on 28 ...

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Aliquam nisl penatibus commodo massa mi rutrum

Diam wisi quam lorem vestibulum nec nibh, sollicitudin volutpat at libero litora, non adipiscing. Nulla nunc porta lorem, nascetur pede massa mauris lectus lectus, in magnis, praesent turpis. Ut wisi luctus ullamcorper. Et ullamcorper sollicitudin elit odio consequat mauris, wisi velit tortor semper vel feugiat dui, ultricies lacus. Congue mattis luctus, quam orci mi semper ligula eu dui, purus etiam ...

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