Putting an end to all the hypes and speculations, the ‘National Film Award 2013’ was conferred on its winners at a gala award giving ceremony at Bangabandhu International Conference Centre in the city on Saturday. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina handed over the awards to the winners at the glamorous ceremony as chief guest. A total of 29 artistes and technicians were given away awards in 25 separate categories at the star-studded ceremony yesterday. Celebrated actress Kobori was honored with ‘Lifetime Achievement Award’ for her outstanding contribution to filmdom of the country. Dhallywood superstar Moushumi and celebrated actress Shormi Mala won the ‘Best Actress Award’ for their roles in ‘Debdas’ and ‘Mrittika Maya’ respectively this year. The prize for best actor went to Titas Zia for his role in ‘Mrittika Maya’, a feature film directed by Gazi Rakayet. Veteran actor Raisul Islam Asad won the ‘Best Supporting Actor Award’ and Mamunur Rashid received the ‘Best Villain Actor Award’ for their acting in ‘Mrittika Maya’. AK Azad and Shawkat Ali Emon shared the ‘Best Music Director Award’ while the ‘Best Storywriter, Dialogue, Playwright and Director Award’ went to Gazi Rakayet for his film ‘Mrittika Maya’. Md Shariful Islam Russell won the ‘Best Editor Award’ while the prize for the best photographer went to Saiful Islam Badal. Prominent singers Runa Laila, Sabina Yasmin and Chandan Sinha shared the ‘Best Singer Award’ while Kabir Bakul got the ‘Best Lyricist Award’ this year. Koushik Hossain Tapas won the ‘Best Composer Award’ while ‘Mrittika Maya’ of Gazi Rakayet and Faridur Reza Sagar won the ‘Best Film Award’. Aporna bagged the ‘Best Supporting Actress Award’ and the ‘Best Child Artiste Award’ went to Swachcha and Syeda Ahida Sabrina. The prize for the best art director went to Uttam Guha while Ali Babul bagged the ‘Best Makeup Man Award and ‘Sunte Ki Pao!’ of Sara Afrin won the ‘Best Documentary Award’ this year. Besides, Kazi Selim won the ‘Best Sounder Award’ and Wahida Mollick Jolly won the ‘Best Costume and Decoration Award’ for working in ‘Mrittika Maya’. In the wake of handing over the awards, eminent artistes held the audience spellbound by presenting their fabulous performances at the programme.