A new business association by the name of ‘Syedpur Business Forum’ was announced at a press conference on Monday, 10 August, held at Sonargaon restaurant, Banglatown, East
London. The newly formed Business Forum’s convenor Syed Khaled Miah informed the press & media of the association’s aims and objectives. He said the purpose of the Forum is to act as
a platform and network of businessman of Syedpur who are residing in the UK especially in the North East of England. Syed Khaled Miah added that they also intend to carry out
charitable and development work for the underprivileged in Syedpur, Sylhet, Bangladesh. Other office bearers of the Forum present were caterer Syed Takhlus Hussain, caterer Syed
Lukman Hussain, Member Secretary Syed Abu Shama, Directors Syed Shahirul Bari Ziaul,
Iqbal Hussain Talukder, Syed Ehsan Miah and Syed Sabbir Ahmed amongst others.
Syed Khaled Miah mentioned that the Forum has been charity registered. The Forum will be formally launched with a Gala Dinner on 25 Dec 2015 in London. The event will be
accompanied by a magazine which will cover the history, heritage of Syedpur and will contain data on education, health, businesses and profiles of successful individuals.
Following the press conference all press & media journalists attending were treated to lunch.