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Unspoken, Chapter 7

Fatema Miah:

History doesn’t repeat itself. This old phrase has been repeatedly used that ‘history repeats itself’. This is human denial. As it is human nature of pressing their faults onto someone or something else. Repeatedly using the above phrase is another way of human disowning their own faults, by faulting the history itself, other than them. When oppression takes place and suffering happed due to political decision, whether it is politically justified or unjust, people do recall history.  History is blamed, abused or wrongly used though a lesson is never learnt from history. Overall, Power Crave Overrules.

Whether, it is Lord Curzon or Nawab Salim Ullah, it is all about taking chance of a situation to create a position, to have power on hand, to wear the costume, and to be able to stand facing the crowd, to manipulate people, to make people fool and to restrict them, rightly or wrongly to dominate and to exercise willpower. However, that same power of domination can get to devastatingly irreversible worse stage, when it falls in the hand of irresponsible rigid malice.

During the ‘Islamic Republic’ of Pakistan, the so-called Muslim politicians abused power to oppress and they have assassinated tribes for power. They began to obliterate sophisticate, supreme quality mannered, ethical, competence and tolerance Bengalis.

The Pakistan Founders nurtured and exercised discrimination in them. There was insincerity, lacking in co-operation and synchronisation among the Pakistan funders’ politicians.

Among those oppresses in the so-called ‘Islamic Republic’ of Pakistan, Bengalis were the main focal point, from the time of Partition of India until Independence of Bangladesh. Although, Bengalis of Eastern Region fell into the Partition of India, because they got trap into it during the partition and were force into Pakistan, despite undesired political change, with honesty, both the public and the Politicians or the prominent Bengali people maintained unbiased attitude and lawful duty of citizenship.

Bengali people including the crafts men, farmers, anglers, boat riders and traders, they all worked hard and were producing for the state. Bengali academics, medics’, technicians, forces and politicians indiscriminatively were making thorough contribution towards building and maintaining the state.  However, it was intolerable of controlling, oppression and discrimination that began under the discriminative Pakistani Politicians right from beginning.

Tension caused among the politicians over issues of oppression and Equal Rights.  Ali Jinnah, the Key founder of Pakistan, who became ill after a confrontation with Ali Khan over Baluchistan issue.

Bengali Multi qualified and educated, the governor and interim minister AK Fazul Haque and Dr MA Karim fell ill due to tension over Bengalis right in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.

Qualified and experienced Bengali Pilots were refused from aviation posts and senior engineers were instructed to work under Pakistani Junior engineers. Under the so-called Islamic republic of Pakistan, Bengali Literature Guru Rabindranath Thakur or Tagore’s creativity including poetry, literature and music was declared unlawful, with an open discriminative justification for him being a Hindu – a non-Muslim in the so-called ‘Islamic republic of Pakistan’. Instead, follower of Rabindranath Tagore, a fellow Poet and singer Nazrul Islam, whose religious practice was in question mark, rather was approved over and above Rabindranath Tagore to entertain Pakistani public.

Moreover, the Proper Islamic Teaching System that was practised by Bengalis for centuries following the teaching of Arab scholar Al-Wahhab with combination of Hannifi practises was force to change to Persian cultural orientation and Sufi-ism was prioritise. In addition, the mispronunciation of Arabic phonic and words that are same in Urdu instructed as correct against Bengalis’ initial Arabic Learning. Arabic correct phonic Dha (of alphabet dhwad) said to be pronounced as zha (zhwad) and caused debates among Muslims and led to Dhwallin and Zhwallin conflict. Quality of practises wiped off and rather quantity imposed upon.  (From my book unspoken, chapter 7).

Among other prominent figures,  my late Uncle Ulama Gulzar Ali, Deoband Talim, a strong participant of Muslim League in Calcutta, also worked in Lahore resolution of Pakistan,  returned back to Khadim Pur, Usmani Nogor with a broken heart of being disappointed by Pakistani deception and misuse of Muslim League. Pakistani Military during search light mission and war time, were after him  for having an opinion against Pakistani misleading.  Later on he died from the same disappointing misery. Innalillahi wainnailaihi rajiun.

Fatema Miah, Solihull, uk.