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Evolving Science  – about food


Fatema Miah:

Lets talk about nutrition and dietary requirements recommendation. Food is our, human essential primary factor for survival.
There are food necessity and selection and options of World of food for human consume. Among the selections there are recommendation and amount guidance instruction to our human consuming per necessity, requirement and benefit.
There information often changing in science and food and nutrition.. One of the reasons that this information is often changing is science is evolving. There is so much nutrition information out there. And there’s a lot of mixed messages, because one minute we’re being told that something is good for you and the next minute we’re told to avoid it. And then a couple of years later it’s reinstructed  to consume the same again.
The guideline some people saying,  it is really hard to follow. Now one of the reasons for this is that science is emerging. We now have better technology, better designed experiments, and we’re building on previous knowledge. Back in the 1920s malnutrition was probably more of an issue. So we were recommended different things compared to today’s problems of obesity, cardiovascular disease, and certain cancers.
With the changing world,  our lifestyles are changing. We’re not as active as what we were 50 years ago. And  the food supply  is very different to what it was 50 years ago, per availability and requirements. Therefore, of course human  have had to naturally  had to start adapting to what we need to eat with the changing world and time  opposed to what our dietary requirements were.
In the past,  pregnant women were advised to liver because it was believed that this was a really good source of iron and that would  help with the baby’s development. However we’ve later on found that liver is a storage organ for vitamin A, which is actually toxic at high levels. And therefore we no longer recommend, in fact we discourage  pregnant women to eat high amounts of foods like liver.
The  recommendation of dietary guidelines are constantly changing, with more researches and knowledge of food types.  We have now precautions when we’re meant to introduce certain foods to infants,  that’s partly due to the rise of allergies that we’re found in children the recent past. It is  really important to talk to your health professional about when to introduce certain foods to babies and children.
It best advice not to give things to babies just rely on what your mum says, because that’s what she did, and you’re perfectly fine.  Remember climate changing and children are all different and changing with climate and tine.
The  eggs have always being considered healthy and beneficial, high in protein, high in energy. Thus, then in the ’70s there was a bit of a backlash against them because they contain cholesterol,  and everybody was trying to not eat cholesterol because cholesterol was believed to make your blood cholesterol high, therefore increasing your risk of having a heart attack.
Later on we’ve found that it’s actually saturated fat that more influences cholesterol levels rather than cholesterol intake itself. According to findings its been re-evaluated our advice about eggs and we are told  that eggs are actually OK.
They have a good spectrum of healthy fats. They’re high in protein. They’re low in saturated fat. So we were recommended that people can have eggs unless there is other digestive issue. Then there the latest incured issue is obesity. Hence, it is now important to follow the recommendation amount per to the  individuals haemoglobin, weight and digestive  level.
Another vital factor in dietary section of food to be taken into consideration is the produce; the types, and it’s origin, and source of production. There is a strong law on food supply chain in UK and worldwide. This law is comply with and by the health requirement, strongly implaced in UK and Europe. Food is vital for human health.
It is best to pay attention to the latest guidelines to individuals suit. By knowing the latest information it means that you’ve got the most up to date recommendations that are based on where our population is at now, the kind of food supply that we’re getting our food from, and the kinds of diseases we’re trying to fight against. Fatema Miah, Solihull, uk. fatemamiah@mail.com