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Debris found in new Boeing 737 Max fuel tanks

Debris found in new Boeing 737 Max fuel tanks

Boeing’s crisis-hit 737 Max jetliner faces a new potential safety issue as debris has been found in the fuel tanks of several new planes which in storage, awaiting delivery to airlines, reports BBC.
The head of Boeing’s 737 programme has told employees that the discovery was “absolutely unacceptable”.A Boeing spokesman said the company did not see the issue further delaying the jet’s return to service.

It comes as the 737 Max remains grounded after two fatal crashes.

The US plane maker said it discovered so-called “Foreign Object Debris” left inside the wing fuel tanks of several undelivered 737 Maxs.

Foreign Object Debris is an industrial term for rags, tools, metal shavings and other materials left behind by workers during the assembly process.

The aircraft has been grounded by regulators around the world since March 2019.

It was banned from flying after two separate crashes killed 346 people.