Home / Lead News / BBC presenter facing new claims after second person alleges they received ‘threatening’ messages

BBC presenter facing new claims after second person alleges they received ‘threatening’ messages

The BBC presenter facing allegations that he paid a teenager for sexually explicit photos sent threatening messages to a young person in their early 20s, the broadcaster has reported.

The fresh allegations add further pressure for the BBC as it deals with the fallout from separate claims made against the unnamed male presenter and first reported by The Sun newspaper at the weekend.

Speaking to BBC News, the young person – who has no connection to the person at the centre of the Sun’s story about payments for photos – said they had been scared by the power the presenter held.

According to the BBC, the individual met the presenter on a dating app before their conversations moved to other platforms.

The presenter then revealed his identity and asked the young person not to tell anyone.

The young person later posted online alluding to having had contact with a BBC presenter and hinting they might name him.

The presenter then sent a number of “threatening messages” which the BBC says it has seen and confirmed came from a phone number belonging to the presenter.

The BBC said the young person felt “threatened” by the messages and “remain scared”.

BBC News said it had contacted the presenter via his lawyer but had received no response to the allegations.

On Tuesday, the BBC said it had paused an internal investigation into the allegations against the presenter after a meeting with the Metropolitan Police.

In a statement, the broadcaster said it was “asked to pause its investigations into the allegations while the police scope future work”.