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Bangladesh must allow people exercise freedom of peaceful assembly: UN

The United Nations has called upon the Bangladesh authorities to allow people exercise their rights to freedom of peaceful assembly.

“Authorities must abide by their human rights obligations and allow people to exercise their rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and freedom of opinion and expression, and to act diligently to protect against attempts by third parties to suppress or limit exercise of those rights,” Jeremy Laurence, spokesperson for the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), said at a press briefing in Geneva on Friday (August 4).

The OHCHR also called upon Bangladeshi police to refrain from excessive use of force amid recurring violence and mass arrests ahead of general elections.

“We urge the police to ensure that force is only used when strictly necessary and, if so, in full compliance with the principles of legality, restraint and proportionality. Excessive use of force must be promptly investigated, and those responsible held to account,” Jeremy Laurence said.

The UN’s call comes as Bangladesh is heading for a general election in January next year.

“We urge all political parties, their supporters and the security forces to ensure a peaceful, inclusive and safe environment enabling a free and fair ballot,” he said.

He stated that in recent months, recurring violence has erupted at a number of opposition rallies in the country, where police have used rubber bullets, tear gas and water cannons.

The OHCHR spokesperson said, “Police, alongside men in plain clothing, have been seen using hammers, sticks, bats and iron rods, among other objects, to beat protesters.

“Many opposition supporters – as well as some police – have been injured. Senior opposition leaders have been beaten in broad daylight, and their homes raided by people claiming to be law enforcement personnel.

“Hundreds of opposition leaders and supporters have been arrested before and during the rallies.”

The opposition Bangladesh Nationalist Party and dozens of smaller allies have called for protests throughout the country demanding Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina step down and the polls take place under a neutral caretaker government.

Hasina has rejected the demand, saying it is unconstitutional.

Laurence stressed that Bangladeshi authorities “must abide by their human rights obligations and allow people to exercise their rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and freedom of opinion and expression.”

They must also “act diligently to protect against attempts by third parties to suppress or limit exercise of those rights”, he said.

The UN rights office, he said, was calling on “police to ensure that force is only used when strictly necessary”, insisting that any “excessive use of force must be promptly investigated, and those responsible held to account.”

The OHCHR also called on Bangladeshi authorities to “ensure all those canvassing ahead of next year’s ballot are assured a safe and peaceful environment that respects and promotes political plurality and the expression of diverse views, in full respect for fundamental rights and freedoms.”