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Dhaka-Tangail highway blocked by RMG workers

Vehicular movement on Dhaka-Tangail highway remained suspended as garment workers blocked the road demanding payment of salaries as per the wages set by the government.

Around 7:30am, 700 workers of Meigo Bangladesh (Bay-Economic Zone) Ltd in Gazipur’s Konabari started demonstration blocking the highway to realise their six-point demand.

Following the protest, movement of the vehicles on both sides of the road came to halt which created huge tailback on the highway.

Six-point demands include payment of salary as per the government-announced wage structure, eight-hour workday instead of 10 hours.

“According to the new wage structure announced by the government, we have to be included in Grade 1 to 4. But most of our workers have been included under Grade 3 and 4 to reduce the authorities’ cost. The salary structure should be determined according to Tafsil ‘A’ and ‘B’. Instead of 10 hours workday, the salary should be fixed as eight hours workday,” said the protesting workers.

Meigo Bangladesh (Bay-Economic Zone) Ltd admin manager Md Khalid Hasan said that the salary of the workers has been increased but they did not like it. Efforts are underway to resolve the matter.