Home / Bangladesh / The British-Bangladeshi youth generation is called upon to strengthen the hands of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina in the establishment of Smart Bangladesh on the occasion of Great Independence and National Day.

The British-Bangladeshi youth generation is called upon to strengthen the hands of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina in the establishment of Smart Bangladesh on the occasion of Great Independence and National Day.


Bangla Mirror Desk:


Bangladesh High Commission, London today is the 54th Independence Day by paying deep respect to the Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and the immortal martyrs of the Great Liberation War. And the National Day was celebrated with due dignity and solemnity. On this occasion, in a special discussion organized at the Bangabandhu Lounge of the High Commission, the High Commissioner of Bangladesh to the UK, Saida Muna Tasneem, remembered the father of the nation and the hero of the Great Liberation War with deep respect and said, “Without the fearless, uncompromising and prudent leadership of Bangabandhu for 24 years, Bangladesh is a nation in the world based on Bengali nationalism. would not have been established as an independent-sovereign state.” The High Commissioner expressed special gratitude and respect to Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina and said, “The Prime Minister is making Bangladesh a democratic, non-communal and progressive country by following the ideals of the great liberation war of 1971 and the father of the nation.” In this context, he specifically mentioned the unprecedented success achieved by Bangladesh in socio-economic fields including poverty alleviation, education, health, communication, human resource development and women’s empowerment under the visionary leadership of the Prime Minister in the past decade and a half and to make Bangladesh a developed, prosperous and smart country by 2041. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina urged the British-Bangladeshi young generation to strengthen her hand.

The High Commissioner pointed out that Bangabandhu’s historic visit to the United Kingdom on January 8, 1972 and his formal meeting with Prime Minister Edward Heath at 10 Downing Street laid the foundation for Bangladesh-UK diplomatic relations and expressed strong hope that the bilateral relations would deepen in various fields in the future. The Ambassador specifically mentioned the extraordinary contribution of the UK government and people and Bangladeshis living in UK and Ireland to the development of Bangladesh during the Liberation War of 1971 and later. Eminent freedom fighter Abu Musa Hasan, prominent personalities of British-Bangladeshi community Syed Sajidur Rahman Farooq and Abdul Ahad Chowdhury spoke in the special discussion program. At the beginning of the program, the High Commissioner along with the guests and mission officials paid tribute by placing wreaths on the portrait of Bangabandhu.

Then a minute silence was observed in memory of Bangabandhu and his martyred family members and the brave martyrs of the great freedom fighter. In the morning, the High Commissioner inaugurated the program of the day by hoisting the national flag with the officials at the embassy. Then the speeches of the President, Prime Minister and Foreign Minister given on the occasion of the Great Independence and National Day were read out. Later, a special prayer was offered for the souls of Bangabandhu and his family martyrs and martyrs who sacrificed their lives in the freedom struggle of Bangladesh and for the peace and continued progress of the country. A special documentary on the Father of the Nation and the Liberation War was screened at the event. Eminent members of the British-Bangladeshi community and Mission staff participated in the event.