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Diabetes drugs may increase risk of heart failure

A new study has examined that glucose or sugar-lowering medications prescribed to patients with diabetes may pose an increased risk for the development of heart failure in these patients. The study conducted at American College of Cardiology examined clinical trials of more than 95,000 patients and found that for every one kilogram of weight gain attributed to a sugar-lowering diabetes ...

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Swine flu claims 47 more lives in India

Swine flu has claimed the lives of 47 more people in India as the death toll rose to 1,674 and the number of persons affected by the H1N1 virus exceeded 29,000. The Health Ministry of India on Saturday said that as on March 13, a total of 1,674 deaths have been reported from across the country while the total number ...

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3 myths about bad breath

If you’re wondering why people lean back whenever you start speaking, the answer could very well lie in the smell of your breath. Last year, we had interviewed close to 100 teens about their oral hygiene, and a shockingly high percentage of them scored poorly in basic hygiene practices. Even the ones who scored well in practice, seemed to have ...

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Ayurveda a big hit among Moscow

women Ayurveda has been a big hit in Russian capital Moscow, with many women who were looking at alternate health care practices asking about it during the country’s largest tourism fair. The public and industry representatives streamed into the Kerala Tourism stall during the four-day 22nd Moscow International Travel and Tourism Exhibition (MITT) that ended on Saturday. The theme of ...

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Soaring antibiotic use in animals fuels “super bug” fears

Developing countries are pumping livestock full of antibiotics at such a startling rate that they are dramatically increasing the risk of creating drug-resistant “super bugs”, scientists warned on Monday. Antibiotic use in animals is expected to surge by two thirds globally between 2010 and 2030, while doubling in emerging giants like China, Brazil, India and Russia, according to a Princeton ...

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Insufficient sleep increases blood pressure during night

A new research has revealed that people, who are exposed to prolonged shortened sleep, have a significant increase in blood pressure during nighttime hours. The study led by Mayo Clinic researchers examined healthy and normal weight people who had prolonged shortened sleep and observed that during the nighttime, people with restrictive sleep systolic (top number) and diastolic (bottom number) blood ...

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Energy drinks increase blood pressure in caffeine-naive young adults

Researchers have revealed that energy drinks increase blood pressure in healthy young adults who don’t consume caffeine regularly Mayo Clinic researchers found that caffeine-naive healthy young adults experienced greater rise in resting blood pressure after consumption of a commercially available energy drink, compared to a placebo drink, thus raising the concern that energy drinks may increase the risk of cardiac ...

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Single jab that helps you get rid of your double chin sans surgery

A new drug injection, which was unanimously recommended for approval recently by a Food and Drug Administration advisory committee, can help people get rid of their double chin without surgery. The revolutionary treatment, currently in the testing phase, promises to get rid of unsightly fat around the jaw line without have to resort to surgery or dieting, ABC News reported. ...

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Quitting smoking increases beneficial metabolic effects

A new study has found that people who quit smoking have favorable metabolic effects. The study conducted by The Endocrine Society examined healthy, 1/2-to-2 pack-per-day smokers into an 8-week smoking cessation program, and observed a slight and transient worsening of central fat distribution, followed by a larger and favorable reversal over subsequent months. The researchers also noticed that over 24 ...

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Keep off those salty snacks if you want your organs to stay healthy

Love to munch on those salted chips? You may want to lay off them as new study claims that salt does more than just affect your blood pressure. A review paper co-authored by two faculty members in the University of Delaware College of Health Sciences and two physicians at Christiana Care Health System provides evidence that even in the absence ...

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