TUSC parliamentary candidate for Bethnal Green and Bow Glyn Robbins joined scores of other local people taking part in a national day of action to Save the NHS (Saturday 29th Feb). Petitions were collected in Roman Road and later outside the Whitechapel Idea Store (photo attached). Heath care services have been threatened in Tower Hamlets where a strong campaign has resisted the closure of GP surgeries, but some, such as Gill Street E14, are still in danger. The role of private companies in the NHS is steadily increasing, as symbolised by the massively expensive PFI project at the London Hospital.
Glyn said:
‘There is no issue more important than the future of the NHS. Whatever Cameron says, the truth is that the Tories hate the idea of a free public health care service. They want to open the NHS up to those who want to make a profit out of it. But it was the last Labour government that opened the door to these vultures. The specter of a US-style ‘two-tier’ health system is becoming more real. Aneurin Bevan said the NHS would exist for as long as people were prepared to fight for it. That’s what we need to do’.