Fact: There are currently 650 total members of parliament in the UK.
Fact: Only 148 are women.
Fact: Of those 148 women, only 6 are Asian.
But what is the reason for this poor representation – is it that politics is simply a sexist and racist space that no-one in their right minds wants to step into? Or are we as a community simply satisfied to complain that we don’t have representation, but too lazy to actually do anything about it?
Well that’s all about to change as a bold young woman picks up the gauntlet with the hope of becoming no 7 on the list of Asian women taking a stand.
Natasha Asghar has recently announced her intention to stand for Parliament as the MP for Newport East in Wales. Now officially the PPC (Prospective Parliamentary Candidate) for the Conservative Party in Newport East, Natasha will be widely recognised by most, as the regular host on Zee TV’s Zee Companion. However very few will be aware of her passion and commitment not only to politics, but to helping her home town of Newport which has suffered dramatically during the recession.
Building on her current position as Advisor on issues surrounding Equality and Sport, Natasha will be standing in May’s general election, hoping to represent the city in which she was born and raised. Trailblazing the way for Asian women, Natasha believes the future of Newport lies in its current community. With a clear idea of what needs to be achieved, Natasha’s plan of action is four-fold, focusing on; creating new jobs, safer roads, supporting people with addictions and disabilities and empowering the unemployed so that they can take control of their futures.
British, Welsh, Asian and proud of all three, Natasha hopes to be the change she wants to see in the world; a voice for the people Newport East in Westminster.
“There are approximately 1.2 million more women than men in the UK, and yet women are so grossly underrepresented in parliament. What is even more alarming is the shockingly small number of Asians. It’s definitely time for someone from our established and growing community to make a positive contribution to society. As a British Asian woman who is proud of her heritage, with drive and ambition, it is my duty to take a stand, become the seventh Asian woman to have a voice in parliament, and finally, start creating a lasting change. Growing up in Newport East, I feel a strong attachment for the city and its residents, and I understand their needs first-hand. I have a clear and focused plan and I know exactly which issues need to be tackled.”
Natasha is successful, intelligent, multi-lingual and most importantly, determined to make a difference. With a background in finance and politics, Natasha is paving the way for a new generation of British Asian girls looking to make a valuable contribution to society.