The Finance and Planning Minister for the Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, the honourable MP of Sunamganj-3 constituency, a senior leader of Bnagladesh Awamileague, a prominent ex- bureaucrat and a renowned diplomat Mr MA Mannan MP is arriving in the UK on 2nd December, Wednesday to attend a global seminar at Oxford University scheduled to be held for a period of three days, starting on the 8th of December. The seminar organised by the infamous Oxford University. The Vice Chancellor of Oxford University Professor Andrew Hamilton has invited Mr Mannan to address at the seminar as a keynote speaker. This is a special global seminar on the Cholera research, titled “Drinking water for poor” where there will be a number of special guests participating from various countries of the World, including some academics from the University of Dhaka and BUET. It is worth mentioning here that all costs of Mr Mannan’s visit in the UK including travelling and boarding will be subsidised by the Oxford university management authority. Mr Mannan has created a history by holding the responsibility as the state minister for the two most important portfolios: the ministry of finance and the ministry of planning. Such a record is unique within any government in the Asian sub-continent. The Minister has also earned a lot of respect in Bangladesh and in abroad as the Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina’s most reliable, trustworthy, efficient and hardworking state minister. Here it is expected that Mr Mannan’s participation at a prestigious seminar of such a high arena will earn pride and dignity for Bangladesh and will brighten up the image of the Government of Bangladesh abroad.
Home / Lead News / The Finance and Planning Minister of Bangladesh Mr MA Mannan MP is attending a Global Seminar at Oxford University