Fatema Miah:
In my last few Climate articles I wrote climate science is interlinked to all subjects. I wrote how it has link with physics in the recent article. Climate science is a justice matter and therefore it is faith matter too. Faith doesn’t limit to practice of a religion only, it’s about having any kind of principled belief.
Justice is must for individuals benefit and for the benefit of society and environment. Injustice causes suffering to individual, living being and to earth it’s self, ie, the ecology, and all riverts back to causing suffering to human being.
Justice matters because injustice causes domino effect of suffering to everything and gradually, soon or later everyone will be caught up by the effect of injustice. The ecology and biodiversity suffering per cause of environmental damage. The provisions and substances will not be available anymore with even accumulated vast amount of wealth. The ecology damage will cause poverty and death, mass death will pollute environment.
There are so many injustice matters across the world they have direct relation with the current catastrophes and environment. The big topics, societies those current renown humanity news cases are entangled with catastrophes of injustice effecting human to environmental. Suffering to societies by mammade lead to environmental suffering and vice versa. To prevent injustice wider knowledge is must, therefore climate science is about justice.
The renown suffering societies, and few under war are Syria, Yemen, Sudan and Myanmar. Many more are on the verge to collapsed to deadliest situation. The justice is the core of all, and needs to be implied properly and effectively to prevent injustice and suffering. The natural catastrophes are also linked to injustice many ways and therefore the climate science and environmental team giving attention to focus on prone regions. Justice is also must for the nature so conservation is needed.
Here is a scenario of conservation refugee; the Nilgiri Hills in Karnataka, India. There are villages inside and adjacent to the Nagarhole National Park where Adivasi (tribal) communities are being encouraged to relocate to an area 30-40 km away from the forest. The Forest Department want to relocate Adivasis because this is an important tiger reserve and they think that conservation will be more effective without people living in and around the park.
The park managers claim that relocation is just. They say that relocation is voluntary and procedurally fair and that there is a generous relocation deal. They are offering households up to a million rupees to move and, in principle at least, they are free to take or leave this offer. In theory they will only accept the offer if they consider that it is fair compensation for moving so far away from their homeland and giving up their economic and cultural attachment to the forest.
Question is Does this sound ‘just’ to you?
In my opinion it is a fair to relocate the tribal people. Presumably it’s a little difficult issue due to locals emotion and attachment to the environment, however, rationally the local community, people with children in that environment doesn’t make it suitable to live there in this modernised advanced globalised safety conscious era.
Respect of culture is right, though the rights of practices must be within suitability and safety measured. The human in this era must be encouraged to a moderate standard and civilised manners. Also justice for all nature needs to be taught.
It is best and must action plan to relocate the Adhibasi the tribal people with good housing and money. It seems serving justice. What needs to be think about the amount offered, would it be sufficient for them to be rehoused to have suitable life to be easily adjustable to make a living. In terms of their attachment to nature that’s fine. Put an educational programme in place , with guidance let them be involved in working with nature, some of their ideas and experiences can be taken in to do better management.
We must draw the teams attention to Bangladesh. In Bangladesh, there from environment, conservation, refugee and justice all linking subjects matter stands. The conservation is in need for both ends of country; Sundanban the National park in one end and the reef Ireland on the other end. Also the war refugee issue which is another threat to the environment. While the refugees themselves are suffering due to injustice.
Sunderban the national park, being destroyed almost, the animals not been taken care of and most been smuggled out, wild animals left wild without barricade, been endangered to and from people and the trees and plants been destroyed. The corals of reef in Narkel Jinjira the Ireland that that was captured by Myanmar been destroyed by abusive coral mining and destructive over fishing. Conservation plans must be put in place to save the wild animals, trees, coral antique and the few surviving rare coral lives left suffering and for all in danger of extinct.
Another injustice topic that is the Ethnic cleansing of Rohingyas by Myanmar led them to take refuge in South Eastern suburb of Bangladesh. There a refugee camp been set up against the regional peoples wish. The environment there was forced to unexpected and undesired change and the locals there were against this and they raised their concern about it.
I agree the situation was an urgent humanitarian matter that there was no other option than to compromise against environment to prioritise human lives. This manmade catastrophe is unjust to human being and environment, this causing suffering to people also damaging environment there and causing future damage of the ecology and adding to climate change.
Fatema Miah, Solihull, uk. fatemamiah@mail.com