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Why sleep is so important for your fitness

Research shows that even just a few nights of insufficient sleep reduces the muscle protein synthesis response to nutrient intake.

It’s no wonder, since sleep plays a key role in metabolism, the growth and repair of tissues (such as our muscles), and ensures memory, reaction time and decision making are all working optimally. All these processes impact sporting performance.

How to sleep well:

Sleep is clearly important for your fitness, so here are some ways to ensure you get proper sleep each night:

Develop a consistent bedtime routine: do things before bedtime that help you relax and wind down – such as reading a book or listening to relaxing music. A hot shower or bath before bed can also be beneficial as the drop in body temperature afterwards can help you to fall asleep quicker.

Create a good sleeping environment: exposure to light during the night can reduce sleep quality, so try to block out as much light as possible. Aim to keep the room cool, but not too cold. An environment that is too hot or too cold can disrupt sleep quality.

Be physically active during the day: research shows that physical activity is beneficial for sleep quality, so try to include some exercise or physical activity in your day.

Keep a consistent sleep schedule: this will help to regulate your sleep-wake cycle, which has been linked to improved sleep quality.

If you are trying to improve your fitness make sure you’re getting enough good quality sleep – aim for at least seven to nine hours of sleep each night.

Source: Hindustan Times