Staying active during the monsoon is imperative, because the weather can easily tempt people to curl up and snooze. Day-to-day changes can be achieved via choices like taking the stairs versus the elevator, and remembering to walk around when on phone calls or while watching your favourite TV show. The monsoon is a great time to join a gym or a fitness studio and focus on strength training, stretching, recovery and increasing, Mallika Tarkas Parekh, health and wellness expert, M.S., M.P.H., Owner of Physique 57 India, said.
Dr Ramniwas Gupta, Consultant, Dept of Internal Medicine, Amrita Hospital, Faridabad suggests ways to achieve your 10,000 steps target when it’s raining outside:
1. Walk while watching a TV Show
One option is indoor walking. Simply walk in place while watching your favorite TV show, listening to music, or talking on the phone. It may not feel like you’re going anywhere, but the steps will add up.
2. Dance to your favourite number
If you’re looking for something more dynamic, try dancing to music or following an aerobics routine. Activities like zumba, skipping, jumping jacks, and hopping are also excellent exercises that can be done at home.
3. Walk hallways of office, apartment
Don’t limit yourself to just your living room. You can explore other indoor spaces too. Consider walking the hallways of your apartment building, office complex, or a large shopping mall. These enclosed environments provide ample space for walking and help you stay dry while you clock your steps.
4. Walk the treadmill
If you have access to a treadmill or stationary bike either at home or at a gym, make use of them for indoor walking.
5. A game of badminton or table tennis
Additionally, you can engage in indoor games like table tennis, badminton, or mini golf with your family and friends. These activities not only keep you active but also add a fun element to your indoor routine.
6. Dusting and mopping
Even everyday activities like climbing up and down the stairs, dusting, and mopping can contribute to your step count. Make the most of these opportunities and keep moving throughout the day.