Home / International / More than 4,000 migrants in the Lampedusa hotspot in Italy

More than 4,000 migrants in the Lampedusa hotspot in Italy

There were 63 landings recorded yesterday, in the span of 24 hours, with a total of 1,826 people, in Italy’s Lampedusa, reports ANSA.

A record, for the number of rescues and for the total number of migrants landed, never reached before on the largest of the Pelagie islands where from midnight to now there have already been another 17 landings with another 519 people.
There are currently 4,121 people present in the Lampedusa hotspot and given the favorable weather conditions, landings are expected, between today and tomorrow, for at least another two thousand migrants.

The transfers that will be made with the scheduled ferries to Porto Empedocle appear to be insufficient, the pre-identification area of ​​which would not be able to bear the huge amount of migrants who are in Lampedusa.

The prefecture and police headquarters of Agrigento are mobilizing to ensure that ships and military aircraft are made available to Lampedusa.

You also land on the mainland

Not only rescued in the waters in front of, or off, Lampedusa, but also arrivals directly on the mainland: Six groups of migrants who were found and blocked by the military of the finance police and carabinieri.

As many as 33 were in Porto ‘Nonti where the cart used for the crossing was not found, 42 and 8 arrived, with boats of 7 and 5 meters, at the commercial pier, 44 were blocked in Cala Croce where the boat, 38 were near the Sanctuary of the Madonna dell’Aiuto and reported that they had left the small boat adrift. A patrol boat from the Captaincy instead intervened near the cliff of Cala Galera where there were 47 people, they too had left the boat adrift.

During the night there was also a transfer of Guineans from the NGO ship Ocean Viking which carried out the rescue, on the CP327 patrol boat of the Coast Guard.

In the meantime, not only the patrols of the Lampedusan coast continue, but also the counts of those who have landed: yesterday , in the space of 34 hours, there were 65 (and not 63) landings, with a total of 1,918 migrants.

Operations in the transit area of ​​Porto Empedocle

There are 258 migrants present in the transit area, for pre-identification, created in Porto Empedocle. The police officers of the Immigration office of the Agrigento Police Headquarters are completing the photo reports and almost all of them will be transferred by 11 am. According to provisions of the Prefecture of Agrigento, in agreement with the Viminale, the police will escort 130 migrants, on 3 different buses, to Pozzallo; 30 on a bus in Messina, 80, on two vehicles, in Abruzzo; 20 at the Cara of Caltanissetta.

In the evening, when the Galaxy ferry arrives, the 740 migrants who are about to be transferred from Lampedusa will be disembarked. Some movements have already been planned by the territorial office of the government: with 3 buses, 150 migrants will leave for Veneto at around 8 pm, 40 for Umbria, 150, with three buses, for Emilia and 100, with 2 means, for Vibo Valentia. The total 440 have already been identified by the police, who manages together with the Red Cross to keep up the infernal rhythms imposed by the continuous landings, at the Lampedusa hotspot.