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As Bangladesh heads towards election concerns are being raised for minority

Ansar Ahmed Ullah : In a statement issued in October, Lord Carlile of Berriew CBE QC of the UK House of Lords stated that the next General Elections in Bangladesh must be held on schedule and conducted freely and fairly. He said, ‘We expect the elections to be participatory and peaceful. Special care must be taken to ensure that all sections of society, especially minorities, get to exercise their voting rights without interference and intimidation. Special care must be taken to safeguard the minority communities from any persecution and discrimination in exercising their fundamental right to vote.’ He further added the democratic process and institutions must be strengthened and respected in Bangladesh by all stakeholders, the political parties, the voters, the administration, the law enforcement agencies, the judiciary and above all, the media.

Similarly, an Early Day Motion was tabled at the UK House of Commons on 7 November by Conservative Party MP Bob Blackman and Jim Shannon of the Democratic Unionist Party. Their motion stated that this House believes that the next General Elections in Bangladesh must be held on schedule and conducted in a free and fair manner and expects the elections to be participatory and peaceful, with special care taken to ensure that all sections of society, especially minorities, are able to exercise their voting rights without interference and intimidation and to safeguard minority communities from persecution and discrimination in exercising their fundamental right to vote.