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Summer Fest at Deshi Dosh

Deshi Dosh consists of ten leading fashion brands of Bangladesh Nipun, Kay Kraft, Anjans, Rang Bangladesh, Banglar Mela, Sadakalo, Bibiana, Desal, Nagardola and Srishti. Formed with a unique concept, Deshi Dosh has been continuously working to develop the domestic fashion industry for the past 15 years since its inception.

All the clothes of the summer period will be exhibited at Desidashs outlets located at Bashundhara City in the capital, Kumarpara in Sylhet, Afmi Plaza, Panchlais in Chittagong.

This event will have comfortable summer festival wear that will give comfort to the customer in this summer as well. The summer festival will include shirts, t-shirts, polo t-shirts, tops, kameez as well as sarees, punjabi, stretch dresses (three-piece), un stretch dresses etc.

The summer festival which started on 17th May will continue till 27th May. Apart from the outlet, the summer festival will also be displayed online.