Home / Sylhet / Sylhet landslide: Bodies of couple, son recovered

Sylhet landslide: Bodies of couple, son recovered

Bodies of a couple and their six-month-old son, who went missing in Chamelibag residential area of Sylhet city after a hillock collapsed there, were recovered early hours of Monday afternoon.

Around 12:30pm on Monday, with help of Bangladesh Army, Fire Service members recovered the bodies.

They were Aga Abdul Karim, his wife Ruji Begum and their son Tanim.

The bodies were sent to MAG Osmani Medical College Hospital, said Shahporan Police Station OC Mohammad Harun-ar-Rashid.

Jahangir Alam, councillor of ward no 35 of Sylhet City Corporation, said, “Two families were living in the collapsed house. Six members of these families were trapped under the rubble. The police, fire service, and we arrived on the scene after getting information and rescued three members of one family, sending them to Sylhet Osmani Medical College Hospital.”

Fire service members and cleaning staff of Sylhet City Corporation initially conducted the rescue search. Later, army members joined with them.

The three bodies were recovered after six hours’ of missing.