Home / Bangladesh / BNP holding rally at Nayapaltan for Khaleda Zia’s release

BNP holding rally at Nayapaltan for Khaleda Zia’s release

BNP leaders and activists are gathering at the party’s Nayapaltan office as its pre-scheduled rally started at 2:40pm on Saturday.

Defying rain, the party activists with small processions were seen chanting slogans and gathered since 12:30pm in front of the party office. The makeshift stage has been prepared for the rally.

After around eight months, BNP organised a rally for unconditional release of party chairperson Khaleda Zia.

Besides, Dhaka city, leaders and activists from neighboring districts and metropolises have been asked to participate.

BNP Secretary-General Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir will address the program as the chief guest.

A large number of police personnel have been deployed in Nayapaltan and its surrounding areas to maintain law and order.

Meanwhile, the ruling Awami League’s Dhaka city (south) unit holds a discussion in front of the party headquarters in the capital’s Gulistan at 3pm marking its 75th founding anniversary.