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Mutton Korma

v ¼ cup (65 ml) oil/ghee
v 1 medium onion, sliced finely
v lb (½ kg) mutton bone in, cut into curry pieces
v 8 cloved garlic, minced

v 0.5 tablespoon minced ginger
v 1/3 cup (85 g) full fat yogurt
v ¼ cups (35 g) unsalted cashews ground into a fine paste with water (see notes for substitutions)

v black cardamoms
v 8 green cardamoms
v 7 cloves
v 1 bay leaf
v 0.5 tsp black peppercorns
v 1 small sized cinnamon stick
v 1.5 tsp coriander powder
v 0.5 tsp cumin powder
v 1 tsp deghi mirch can substitute 1 tsp deghi mirch for 1 tsp paprika OR ½ tsp red chilli powder
v 1 tsp salt or to taste
v Kewra water 1tsp or more as per preference (optional)
v 15 almonds skins removed

1 Heat the oil/ghee in a deep pot or pan. Add the sliced onions and fry them over a medium to high heat, stirring often and keeping a very close eye on them to ensure they brown evenly.
2 Once the onions have turned brown (not black!), use a slotted spoon to remove them and rest them spread out on a paper towel. Set aside – these will crisp up as we work on the korma.
3 Add the mutton, spices, ginger and garlic to the same oil as the onions were fried in. Fry this over a medium to high heat, until the mutton no longer remains pink, about 7 minutes.
4 Add in the yogurt and cashews paste. Fry everything well, stirring the entire time, until the oil begins to separate from the sauce of the curry and looks glossy about 10 minutes.
5 Add water, bring everything to a boil and then cover with a lid and cook on a low heat for about 1-2hrs.
6 Once the onions have cooled down completely and become crisp, you can crush them using your hands, a pestle and mortar, or a processor until they are broken down into a textured mixture.
7 Take the lid off and stir in the onions. Return the lid and cook for a further 5-10 minutes.
8 Add in the kewra water. Give everything a taste and adjust the chilli and salt if needed