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Pakistan ends death penalty suspension after seven years

Pakistan is to resume executions for all death penalty offences, months after a moratorium was partially lifted to allow executions of terror convicts. All condemned prisoners who have exhausted the appeals process and whose pleas for clemency are rejected now face execution, officials say. Executions were suspended for seven years until some resumed after the Peshawar school massacre in December. ...

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India remembers its World War One dead

Events are being held to remember thousands of Indian soldiers who fought alongside the British in a key battle in France in World War One. Prime Minister Narendra Modi placed a wreath at the India Gate memorial in Delhi on Tuesday, marking the centenary of the battle of Neuve Chapelle. The army is holding an exhibition, recreating scenes from the ...

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New Zealand reveals milk formula 1080 poison threat

New Zealand authorities say a national farming body and dairy giant Fonterra have been sent letters threatening to poison milk formula. Federated Farmers and Fonterra received the anonymous letters in November, said officials, along with sachets of contaminated product. The letters appeared to be a protest over the use of the pesticide 1080 in agriculture. PM John Key said milk ...

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Myanmar riot police beat student protesters with batons

Hundreds of baton-wielding police in Myanmar have broken up a demonstration by students who say a new law stifles academic freedom. A BBC Burmese reporter at the scene said dozens of protesters were injured and at least 30 people arrested. The clashes took place in Letpadan, 140km (90 miles) north of Yangon. The BBC’s correspondent in Myanmar (also known as ...

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US diplomat warns Europe of ‘dangerous’ defence spending cuts

A senior US diplomat has warned of a “dangerous” gulf emerging between US and European defence spending. Samantha Power, the US ambassador to the United Nations, has appealed to European governments to spend more. She told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme that cuts to defence budgets in Europe were “concerning”. Prime Minister David Cameron said the UK already met the ...

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Magic foods that keep one happy

To lead a quality life you need to be energetic and happy. There are magic foods that can help you when clubbed in a trioFOODS TO BOOST ENERGYWhether you are heading out for an exercise session or suffering from a mid-afternoon slump, there are times when we all need energy boost. Here are three instant pick-me-up foods.Oats: If you’re feeling ...

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Benefits of climbing stairs!

Climbing stairs is the best way to burns calories than taking a traditional walk and it increases chances of achieving weight loss. It is recommended that it is an ideal way to increase energy levels, the function of immune system and lower the risk of diseases.Here are some of the health benefits of climbing stairs:Burns calories: Climbing stairs is good ...

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Second-hand smartphone getting popular

Ever used a second hand high-end smartphone? That’s a growing trend now, according to a new survey report.Market research firm Gartner recently released a report projecting the used smartphone market to roughly double to 120 million units, or a wholesale value of $14 billion by 2017, CNET reported. “With consumers in mature markets upgrading their smartphones every 18 to 20 ...

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Wisdom teeth may help treat eye disease

Your wisdom teeth could hold the clue to treating diseases affecting the cornea, a major cause of blindness worldwide, says a new research. “Stem cells from the dental pulp of wisdom teeth can be coaxed to turn into cells of the eye’s cornea and could one day be used to treat corneal blindness,” said the researchers. “The findings indicate the ...

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BCL rival factions rise in SUST

BCL rival factions rise in SUSTDespite a ban on political activities, two rival factions of Bangladesh Chhatra League (BCL), the student wing of the ruling Awami League, yesterday flexed their muscles at Shahjalal University of Science and Technology (SUST) in Sylhet. Officer in-Charge of Jalalabad police station Akhter Hossain said This has created tension at the campus leading to deployment ...

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