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Sylhet tourism industry facing unbearable loss due political unrest

Sylhet city known as city of tourism is now tourist-less in this pick season due to countrywide unbarred blockage, strikes. The region’s tourism sector is facing acute losses in its business as tourists are not coming in Sylhet area due to the ongoing political unrests. Hotel-Motels are almost vacant and counting unbearable loss and this situation remained since the beginning ...

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18 held in Sunamganj

 Police have detained 18 people including five BNP activists for carrying out violence in Sunamganj during the ongoing blockade enforced by the BNP-led 20-party alliance.Police Super Md Harun-or-Rashid said they were held in drives from Monday night till Tuesday morning.He said police would continue the drive in order to control the law and order situation.The BNP-led 20-party alliance has been ...

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Ambulances in Sylhet turn passenger carriers

Ambulances meant for carrying serious patients to hospitals are now often used to carry passengers of Sylhet district.The situation has arisen as road communication has turned risky due to sporadic attacks with petrol bombs and stones on vehicles plying the roads and highways, apparently to enforce the non-stop blockade called by BNP-led 20-party alliance from January 6.Solvent and even some ...

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24 detained in Sunamganj

Police have arrested 24 people, including four activists of Jamaat-e-Islami activists, from different areas of Sunamganj district.They were detained in a drive conducted from Tuesday night till Wednesday morning.Police Super Md Harun Ur Rashid said they were detained for the alleged involvement with different subversive activities during the ongoing blockade.He said the detainees are accused in several cases.

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Rocket blasts off with NASA satellite to track climate change

An unmanned Delta 2 rocket lifted off from California today carrying a NASA satellite to measure how much water is in Earth’s soil, information that will help weather forecasting and tracking of global climate change.The tiny amount of soil moisture links the planet’s overall environmental systems – its water, energy and carbon cycles – as well as determines whether particular ...

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India interest rates kept on hold

India’s central bank has kept interest rates unchanged, three weeks after it announced a surprise cut.The benchmark interest rate, or the level at which The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) lends to commercial banks, is to stay at 7.75%.RBI chief Raghuram Rajan said the bank was awaiting further signs of declining inflation ahead of this month’s budget.Asia’s third-largest economy has ...

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‘Mass death sentences’ for 183 in Egypt

An Egyptian court triggered an international uproar Monday, confirming a death sentencefor 183 defendants.The defendants were convicted of murdering 11 police and two civilians in August 2013,Egypt’s state-run MENA news agency reported.Those deaths came in an attack on a police station.It followed a massive, deadly crackdown by Egyptian forces on supporters of ousted President Mohamed Morsy.”Today’s death sentences are yet another ...

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Most China cities fail to meet air quality standards

Only eight out of China’s 74 biggest cities passed the government’s basic air quality standards in 2014, the environment ministry has said.The most polluted cities were in north-eastern Hebei, the province that surrounds the capital Beijing.Beijing and Shanghai both failed the assessment, which was based on measurements of major pollutants.China is attempting to cut pollution but the country still relies ...

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We want an end to the present situation. No more killing, burning and damage to public and private properties. We want to live in peace. We want to live in a civilized democratic society based on human values, equality and justice. We want an effective parliament where national issues will be freely debated and decisions will be taken for betterment ...

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Coming full circle into darkness By Hammad Ali

As I sit down to write what is on my mind today, I have this odd sense of déjà vu. It seems that I have had these exact same thoughts, felt this very urge to write them down, put together these exact same words. But there is one big difference. Unlike déjà vu, this is not just some mysterious sensation that ...

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