A drawing by a school pupil from Tower Hamlets has been selected by the council for a 20mph speed limit introduction awareness campaign.
The image of a sloth hanging from a 20mph roundel features on adverts that are being displayed on roadside banners, bus stops and on the back of London buses that serve the borough.
The campaign will be displayed across the borough from the end of July to raise awareness of the 20mph speed limit implementation.
All Tower Hamlets roads other than red routes have been designated as 20mph since April 13.
Following a positive public consultation last year – which took place during October 2014 – 80 per cent of respondents were in favour of reducing the speed limit.
The council consulted with the emergency services, neighbouring boroughs, business groups and Transport for London (TfL) about the proposed reduced speed limit.
TfL signalled its support for the borough by implementing a 20mph speed limit on Commercial Street – operated by TfL and not the council – to coincide with the borough-wide implementation.
All councils have an obligation to manage and improve road safety – many urban local authorities have introduced or are introducing 20mph zones to help moderate the speed of motor vehicles and reduce accident rates.
Mayor of Tower Hamlets John Biggs said: “The introduction of a 20mph speed limit for the borough will improve road safety for everyone. This can only reassure those residents who choose the healthier option to walk or cycle in Tower Hamlets.”
Cabinet Member for Environment, Cllr Ayas Miah, added: “I would like to thank all the schoolchildren who submitted their entries to be a part of this awareness campaign. The image of the sloth will help publicise the introduction of this important speed limit.”
Leon Daniels, Managing Director of Surface Transport at TfL, said: “We are working extremely closely with all London boroughs to help reduce the number of road casualties that occur every year in London, but also to increase active travel such as walking and cycling and enhance the areas where people live, work and shop.
“Although large sections of the TfL Road Network are main arterial roads, some sections pass through busy town centres, which are more attuned to lower speed limits as they have high pedestrian and cyclist numbers.”
Jeremy Leach, London Campaign Co-ordinator for 20’s Plenty For Us added: “It is fantastic news that Tower Hamlets has become a 20mph borough. By summer 2015, eight of the 13 inner London boroughs will have a 20mph speed limit and across London almost three million Londoners will be living on streets and roads with 20mph limits.”
The introduction of a borough wide speed limit is a significant move which complements similar initiatives in Islington, City of London and other boroughs and has strong support from the 20’s Plenty campaign, Living Streets and local and London-wide cyclist groups.