Curry industries is passing through a struggling period. To ensure the sustainability of this industry, all the caterers need to work together. Bangladesh Caterers Association leaders told this in a networking meeting held on 22 September organised by BCA North London and Hertfordshire East. The networking meeting was held at a local restaurant in Hertfordshire.
President of BCA North London Mojahid Ali Chowdhury presided over the meeting and General Secretary M Foyjul Haque conducted it. Organising Secretary Dilwar Hossain and Treasurer Aktar Hossain welcomed the guest with their speeches where BCA Central Committee President Pasha Khandokar addressed the audience as Chief Guest.
Guests addressed the audience as Special Guest included BCA Central Committee Secretary General M A Monim, Senior Vice-President Oli Khan, Membership Secretary Saiful Alam, Joint Treasurer Mithu Chowdhury, M A Hafiz, Nasir Uddin, Golam Rabbani Sohel, Community leader Muhibur Rahman Muhib, Senior Caterer Siraj Miah, Showkoth Ahmed, MD Chowdhury, Convenor of Chef Award Tipu Khan, Saiful Alam, Shipu, Shahed Ahmed, President of Ramdana Welfare Trust Mojommil Ali, General Secretary Afraj Miah, Treasurer Mashuk Ali and others.
In their speech, the leaders emphasised that this industry is suffering hugely from staff crisis and unreasonable VAT. The speakers called upon the leaders to lobby the Ministers to create more advantage in this area.
Selim Uddin conducted the Monajat praying for peace for the senior members of BCA who passed away and for more expansion of this industry.