Tower Hamlets Council will observe 4th May as Altab Ali Day. Executive Mayor of Tower Hamlets John Biggs told this while raising the green flag at Altab Ali Park on 23rd October.
Bangladeshi youth Altab Ali was killed on 4th May of 1978 in the hands of a group of racist thugs while returning from work. To commemorate this, the park next to Aldgate station was named Altab Ali Park.
Point to be noted that Green Flag awards are given annually in recognition of exceptional high quality green public spaces. The awards in Tower Hamlets mean that even in the heart of urban London, residents still have access to well-maintained, attractive green space. Altab Ali Park is one of them.
The other Green Flags parks in Tower Hamlets are St George’s Gardens, Mile End Park, Trinity Square Gardens, Millwall Park, Island Gardens, Victoria Park, Weavers Fields and Poplar Recreation Ground.
While raising the flag John Biggs said that Altab Ali Park is a historical park. It also houses the language movement tribute of Bengali language and hence he is very happy that this park has achieved the Green Flag status.
John Biggs, Executive Mayor of Tower Hamlets pledged that if he were elected Mayor, the date 4 May in Tower Hamlets would be dedicated as Altab Ali Day.
Cabinet member for culture Cllr Asma Begum and cabinet member Ayas Miah were also present at the event.
Cllr Asma Begum expressed her heartfelt thanks to the Mayor for declaring 4th May as Altab Ali Day. She also said that this is included now in council’s calendar and Tower Hamlets council will celebrate this as an annaul event.
Cllr Ayas Miah congratulated park staffs for achieving the Green Flag award.
The other guests who were present at the event included Shanmsuddin Ahmed of Altab Ali Foundation, Ansar Ahemd Ullah, Secretary of Tower Hamlets Labour party Tariq Khan and others.