Tower Hamlets Council has been shortlisted for four prestigious, national awards
from the MJ, a leading UK trade publication.
The clean and green team is shortlisted for ‘best council services’ and was
commended in the ‘reinventing public services’ category; the adopt a garden team is
shortlisted for ‘excellence in community engagement’, the legal services team is
shortlisted for their expertise in tackling violent extremism and the council is also
shortlisted for its work to support disabled staff and residents.
Will Tuckley, Chief Executive of Tower Hamlets Council, said: “I am pleased that so
many of our services have been recognised by the MJ. Our staff are committed to
meeting the needs of our residents, and going the extra mile wherever possible.”
Clean and green team
The clean and green team are recognised for innovation in the development of
Find It Fix It Love It, the council’s reporting app which allows residents to share what
they love about the borough and report issues that need fixing.
The app has been particularly successful at reducing commercial dumping and fly-
tipping, as eagle eyed residents have helped increase the number of fixed penalty
notices to be issued to litter louts.
The team is also commended for the introduction of Quick Response (QR)
technology on the borough’s bins, which ensure that overfilled public litter bins are
quickly emptied when residents report them.
The technology has delivered an 18 per cent reduction in complaints for overfilled
bins and the annual residents’ survey has shown that 76 per cent of residents are
now satisfied with their local area.
Adopt a garden team
Fifteen areas of the borough have been transformed by the community since the
council introduced the ‘adopt a garden’ initiative.
Places that suffered from fly-tipping, litter, graffiti and other Anti-Social Behaviour
(ASB) have benefited from the green fingers of volunteers who fill raised beds with
plants and take responsibility for the care and maintenance of the gardens created.
The council supports the gardens by providing garden beds, soil, plants, advice on
caring for the plants and basic gardening equipment.
Legal services
The legal services team is shortlisted for an award for developing new ways to use
existing legislation to tackle violent extremism, and for sharing their expertise with
councils across the country.
They were also recognised for their work with counter terrorism police to safeguard
children during investigations.
Disability confident
The council is recognised for the work it does to understand and meet the needs of
disabled residents and employees. It has been an accredited ‘Two Ticks’ Positive
about Disability employer for over a decade and was successfully reassessed in
September 2015.
The council also delivers a pre-apprenticeship programme with the Tower Project, a
voluntary sector organisation that provides a range of services to children, young
people and adults with disabilities. The pre-apprenticeship programme aims to give
young people with learning disabilities the skills and experience to gain employment.