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Guy Fawkes or bonfire  or winter  celebration

Fatema Miah:

Whether History calls for justice or simply asking for a reflection it is very obvious how the world was in the past centuries, power abuse oppression alongside might exercising was right, and in that, one nations Hero was another Nations Villain.

Who is Guy Fawkes? Every child in UK that the United Kingdoms and across the world those are under English Medium schools are aware of Guy Fawkes. So, is Guy Fawkes known as a hero or a villain? Usually, Guy Fawkes is taught as a villain from the British perspective. It is a different story to Irish and UK’s Catholic group.

Now, was Guy Fawkes a villain or a hero?  Its matter of political site taking. However, frustration can be understandable though conspiracy to blow up Parliament doesn’t justify. Catholics do not celebrate the Bonfire on the 5th  of November, as it marked a permanent oppression on Catholicism under the Church of England the CE for next several centuries.

Guy Fawkes’ story isn’t certainly a positive kind neither influential either. Because Guy Fawkes intended and readily attempted an attack, in that sense  he surely is a perpetrator. This attack wasn’t plan for any ordinary individual, it was  aimed at rather the King of the Britain, the King James I.  For his attempt of attack and intentional plan of the attack Guy Fawkes  was persecuted, as per British Justice and persecution law.  Contrary, Britain has over stressed power and perverted the justice.

Guy Fawkes was a chief conspirator in the plot to blow up the British Parliament building, to restore Catholicism in England by killing King James I. On November the 5, 1605, Sir Thomas Knyvet discovered Fawkes lurking within the cellars of the British Parliament building. Almost two tonnes of gunpowder were also discovered within the cellars. King James I was due to attend Parliament that day.  Obviously it was a plan of a cowardice act.

Guy Fawkes was caught up, Arrested and tortured, Guy Fawkes admitted he with his fellow conspirators had planned to blow up the Parliament. In the following months authorities arrested and killed other conspirators and sentenced Guy to be hung drawn and quartered in London on January 30, 1606.  Question is 5th of November Bonfire celebrated, is it  to remember Guy Fawkes bravery? Because that’s when it was planned for.

On the 30th of January he climbed the ladder to the noose at the Old Palace Yard at Westminster,  to jump off and he  broke his neck. Was it to Avoiding being hung. There  is speculation over whether he fell by accident (supposedly weakened by the extreme torture he’d endured) or was forced  to climb up and thrown down deliberately, or he in distress from tortures  jumped down to avoid the agony of his sentenced fate. His body was still quartered and displayed in the “four corners of the kingdom” to warn off would-be traitors.

Question on Bonfire celebration, what the celebration is about?  Explosives were found in the parliament intended to blow up the parliament. What is the Joyce in this celebration? Explosives? Parliament under target? Or Guy Fawkes courage and genius  inventory?  Intellectuals and rational minded have no answer to that still, but it is celebrated on customery form by fun loving native working class English mainly.

Any of the dates doesn’t sense- makingly  correlate with bonfire night celebration. The explosives wasn’t detenated on that night, neither Gay Fawkes was killed till January the following year. Planning an attack on king of England is surely isn’t  a celebratory aspect. It is rather rememberance  of moun, or commemorational. The explosives clearly shows the signs of Guy Fawkes geniuses, and the attempt proves his courageous. Where is the CEs reason for joyous celebration in this issue?

The British Parliament surely has over extently abused power and perverted the cause of justice not only by persecution of death sentenced, also by using the torture systems, above power abuse and oppression. 5th of November bonfire night relating to Guy Fawkes brings ambiguity.  Though, historical culture of November bonfire is  differently reasonable.

After October Harvest celebrations, weather  turning quickly  into short cold nights, when all the crops and veg  stocks, hey, pruning branches, twigs  are left dead dried up,  get collected, gathered up in piles in Autumn and before heavy winter fall, and before December mid Winter, usually the best time to set fire on is in November. To keep the misery of changing weather, gathering to celebrate with fun is the best ways of maintaining emotional well-being by celebrating a tradition of Bonfire.

Fatema Miah, Solihull, uk.