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Tower Hamlets in Bloom Awards 2019


Recognition for those who help make the borough bright and beautiful

Gardening groups, individuals and organisations who help to make public spaces greener and brighter, have been recognised at the council’s Tower Hamlets in Bloom Awards at the Art Pavilion, Mile End Park on 11 December.

The council runs the annual horticultural competition in a bid to encourage more people to become interested in gardening, get planting and develop a greater appreciation and respect for the natural environment.

Representatives of schools, urban growers, residents associations and pubs in the borough were among those who attended the awards ceremony.

John Biggs, Mayor of Tower Hamlets, said: “We can all appreciate the wonderful variety of plants and flowers we have across public and open spaces across the borough. Tower Hamlets in Bloom Awards are about thanking our residents and participants for their time and effort in helping to make our communities such vibrant places to live, work or visit.“

Five year old Louis Cooper-Melchiors received a special recognition award for showing passion and enthusiasm in helping out at the Cable Street community growing site.

Other prize winners include Michelle Lindson from Tower Hamlets Cemetery Park who was presented with an award of excellence for community engagement and participation. Michelle leads Nature and Us, a community cohesion project funded by the council. Focused around Shandy Park in Mile End and Swedenborg Gardens in Whitechapel, the project brings local groups, the council and police together to tackle antisocial behaviour in the project areas.

Michelle has been integral in improving engagement and delivering volunteering opportunities, such as wildflower and bulb planting and organising public events such as, bird watching, foraging and wildlife activities.

Ken Davies, who collected a lifetime achievement award helped to transform a rat-infested, neglected shrubbery beside Deancross Street, Shadwell, into one of the best community gardens in the borough. Winterton House Organic Garden features: a beautiful, peaceful space full of colourful flowers; a great wildlife habitat with ponds, climbers and plentiful supply of nectar; and a well-used community growing space.

Councillor Sabina Akhtar, Cabinet Member for Culture, Arts and Brexit, added: “Tower Hamlets in Bloom was established in 1970 and it’s amazing how the competition continues to grow in popularity. I would like to congratulate all of the winners for helping to bring colour and beauty to our public and open spaces.”