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5 tips to make perfect French Fries

On the occasion of National French Fry Day (July 14), try these tips by Chef Sonia Sarpal to master the art of making the perfect golden and crispy fries.

National French Fry Day was observed on July 13 every year. However, from this year onwards, the day will be observed on the second Friday in July, which means in 2023, the day is being celebrated on July 14.

On this occasion, Chef Sonia Sarpal shares tips and tricks to make the perfect French Fries with HT Digital.

Choosing the right potatoes

Potatoes with mealy texture should be used for fries. Mealy Potatoes (Pahadi Aloo) have excess starch and low in sugar content which give a crispy result. Large, oval shaped potatoes will give you nice long French Fries.

2. Soaking

Soak the fries in normal tap water for at least 15 minutes so that potatoes release the starch content in water only. Wash properly with water and add fresh water for another 10 minutes.

3. Parboiling

Parboil the potatoes 20% on a simmering temperature i.e 80-85°C. Drain and place on a flat tray by spreading evenly and pat dry.

4. Freezing

Deep freeze them for 1- 1 1/2 hour. Freezing them after boiling makes them crispy and prevents from turning black.

5. Double frying

For first frying, heat oil and fry at 130°C (medium flame). Once fried remove them on a paper towel. Once they cool down to make them crispier fry, them again at 170° C (high flame).

Garnish with salt and paprika powder and serve hot French Fries with your favourite sauce or dip.