Home / Business / TCB’s oil-potato-onion-lentils will be available from Tuesday without card

TCB’s oil-potato-onion-lentils will be available from Tuesday without card

The state-owned Trading Corporation of Bangladesh (TCB) will start selling soybean oil, potato, onion and lentils at a lower price in 25-30 trucks to consumers in the capital from Tuesday (November 14).

To stabilise the prices of the commodities in the market, this initiative has been taken, said Senior Commerce Secretary Tapan Kanti Ghosh at a press conference in the secretariat on Monday.

Without family card, a consumer will be able to buy a maximum of two kgs per item.

The TCB will sell soybean oil at Tk 100 per litre, potato at Tk 30 per kilogramme (kg), onion at Tk 50 a kg and lentil at Tk 60 per kg.