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USA will support Bangladesh after election: Momen

Sylhet Office : Foreign Minister Dr AK Abdul Momen on Friday said that foreigners often disturb unnecessarily.

“If they give us good advice, we will accept those and if they bad advice, we will reject those,” he said.
“America is a very pragmatic government. They were not with us in 1971, but after achieving victory, America supported us for the United Nations membership for 15 times though many nations including China vetoed against us. America saw that Bangladesh got its independence, so they supported us. We hope they will continue supporting Bangladesh after forming the government, as they did in the past,” Momen said while talking to reporters after offering Jumma prayers at Hazrat Shahjalal Mazar Mosque in Sylhet city on Friday (November 24).

“If foreigners offer good advice, we will accept it. If they turn against us, we know how to counter it,” the minister added.

Referring to the election, Momen said the country’s situation is very good. Bangladesh is going to witness a free and fair election.

He also called upon all to go to the polling centres on the election day and cast their ballots freely to establish their rights.

At that time, Sylhet Awami League leaders were present.