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Mayor Lutfur Rahman’s broken promise: Council tax hike.


Tower Hamlets Mayor Lutfur Rahman has reneged on an election promise to freeze council tax rises, leaving residents facing a dire financial crisis. At a time of widespread economic hardship the Mayor has decided to increase the maximum council tax, resulting in Tower Hamlets residents paying an extra 4.99% in annual tax. Tower Hamlets Labor Group condemns Mayor Lutfur Rahman for breaking election promises and imposing financial burden on residents. A year ago, the Chartered Institute for Public Finance warned of unsustainable economic conditions under the current administration. Instead of addressing these deep-seated problems, Mayor Lutfur Rahman has decided to impose the cost burden on residents. Tower Hamlets Labor Party shadow finance councilor Mark Francis said: “Mayor Lutfur Rahman has betrayed residents by increasing council tax. Right now residents are struggling with the rising cost of living while Mayor Rahman puts his unnecessary advisers’ salaries and self-promoting schemes ahead of the common good.

The Labor Party takes an honest view of council finances and strongly condemns and does not support council tax increases at these difficult times. Councilor Sirajul Islam, leader of the Labor group, said: “Lutfur Rahman cannot be trusted. On the first page of his election manifesto he promised not to raise council tax. Now he is brazenly breaking his election promise. Tower Hamlets Labor Group strongly condemns mismanagement.